This cake smash was extra special because it was my first cake smash session for twins! The girls’ Mom did such a great job choosing the colors when she booked her session 3 months ago. I made sure I had the colors and props just right. I was able to work together with Avenue de Coeur to design a custom made banner for this session.
Their mom sent me this photo of what she had in mind for the session. I was sooo excited to get to decorate using those colors. Have you noticed those are the same colors as my website? Their mom has great taste, doesn’t she?
*** Not my photo. Photo sent by their mom as an inspiration.
During the session, the twins warmed up to me and had fun while all of us danced and sang to bring out the smiles. =) Happy first birthday Raaga and Swara.
P.S. Make sure to scroll all the way down for an adorable video of the session.
Naperville and Chicago Baby Photographer – Cake Smash
Naperville and Chicago Baby Photographer – Cake Smash
Naperville and Chicago Baby Photographer – Cake Smash
Little extra bonus… video of this adorable girl’s session with some behind the scenes.